
46 days on the road

First things first we're in MONGOLIA! 10 and a half thousand miles. The CrossCountry Rebels have finally arrived. Well if crossing the border after two failed visas and a quick two day dash to and from the nearest cash point in Russia to bribe the border guards counts! The roads have dropped away and dirt tracks wind up the mountains in front of us .Even at our average speed of 18mph Dora (who ironically now has no working doors in the back) sounds like she's being rattled apart slowly. There's another 2000km until Ulaanbaatar,(the capital and finishing line) We have no doubt that this leg of the adventure will be the toughest yet.
 Russia was something quite phenominal, the mountain road that winds south to the mongolian boarder was breath taking. This is where we camped near the Russia-Mongolia border. It was like the beginnings of the earth. The water was so cold our bodies were numb within 30 seconds of trying to wash. Another round of 'tuna rice' and cards was our last night in Russia. And of course the bottle of vodka the Russian police gave us when they pulled us over earlier that day. It would be rude not to accept it..

Wish us luck as the picture below is the tracks we are navigating in Mongolia. Suddenly the idea of just having a compass is fairly daunting. But with no road signs and 70% of the population living in yurts the adventure takes a turn for the daunting!
Finally to catch a video of Dora being towed across a river please feel free to turn down the volume of my terrible commentary..http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1958158886263&set=vb.1611480045&type=2&theater

A picture of the dashboard and how many miles old Dora has done!