
Let me introduce you to Dora..

This is Dora on the open road..

Dora the Explorer is the name of our trusty stead. She stands majestically with a white paint coat with a green strip round the middle of her body. A suggestion of her former glory as an emergency vehicle. The back was empty apart from a rogue industrial sized vat of hand sanitizer (which we’ve kept) and a long collapsible ramp. Bizarrely we managed to shift the ramp a mere two miles down the road from the ambulance auction. Having pulled into a petrol station to fill up and buy the necessary snacks for the two hour journey back we were approached by a man wearing not only a denim jacket and matching jeans but also a denim tie. After a few niceties he cracked down to business: ‘I’ll give you £50 for the ramp.’ The rest is history. Maybe it’s a bad omen that we started to sell off parts of Dora before we’d even left the country.  But I challenge you to resist an all denim wearing Welshman.

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